Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology
Year: 2020
Analysis of Practical Applications Produced from Joint Research Projects in University-Industry Collaborations
Kazumasa Kawasaki
University-industry collaborations (UICs) take various forms that include technology transfer through licensing patented technologies, joint research projects conducted in university-industry shared research centers, assistance to start-up enterprises located in university research parks, campus-based industrial extension services, university contract research works, and technology consultations. The UICs have been recognized as an important factor of the production of innovation. The joint research projects in the UICs are essential because the contract content including the ownership of the intellectual property is clearly defined and private companies are main partners. In practice, however, the cases of the practical applications produced from joint research projects in UICs are not so many and there are a lot of problems in the UICs. In this presentation, the recent trends, namely, the numbers, external funding, and the characteristics of enterprises of the joint research projects and so on conducted in Niigata University in regional areas of Japan are presented. Moreover, the eight cases of the practical applications produced from the joint research projects are extracted and the cases of the practical applications are classified. These cases are discussed from the point of view of technologies and markets. As a result, the product group and business direction for the analysis of the market was confirmed.
Keywords: classification; enterprise; technology; market; Japan.