Thermo gravimetric Analysis of EPS/Glass Epoxy Composite

Proceedings of ‏The 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Innovation in Engineering, Science and Technology

Year: 2020


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Thermo gravimetric Analysis of EPS/Glass Epoxy Composite

Şafak Yildizhan, Hasan Serin



With the development of technology and insight in the many different industrial sectors the variety of the products are increasing rapidly. That diversity requires different engineering solutions and those solutions require different composite materials with variable properties. Thus, composite materials are getting great interest due to the tailorable characteristics. Expandable polystyrene (EPS) /Glass/Epoxy composite is a novel material type of random discontinuous and hybrid composite. The composite material specimen has been fabricated via vacuum infusion technique in a closed mold. EPS beads and chopped glasses were mixed and filled into the mold, afterward epoxy resin was introduced into to the vacuumed mold. Thermogravimetric analyses of composite specimen and neat resin have been conducted 25-600 oC with a heating rate of 10oC. The experimental results showed that main weight loss starts around 345 oC but the neat resin has a quite sharp loss after the loss started. But, the composite specimen showed a decelerating model-like characteristic. The tangent lines revealed that the composite specimen shows a lower thermal stability due to the EPS in the composite specimen. As a result, even the slightly lower thermal stability of the composite, the peak limit of usage of EPS/Glass/Epoxy composite could be 120 oC before the major weight loss.

Keywords: discontinuous reinforcement; hybrid; material; random; thermal stability.