Technological Innovation in Health System: The Protection of Patient Medical Information at Telemedicine

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology

Year: 2019


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Technological Innovation in Health System: The Protection of Patient Medical Information at Telemedicine

George Geraldo Gomes de Magalhães



Brazilian medicine culminated in the process of technological innovation through a tool called Telemedicine, developed to shorten distances and bring the patient closer to the doctor, which provides the market with an improvement in the efficiency and speed of medical services, accessible in any location , by digital means, but the most evident problem in the task concerns the protection of sensitive data of patients, which are shared through the program among health professionals, a situation already regulated by the Federal Council of Medicine, as well as accompanied by the state councils of medicine. In terms of products created for the protection of sensitive patient data, the content of software patents (software and hardware) created for this purpose, captured from Quest Orbit, Espacenet and INPI databases.. Our courts have favorable jurisprudence for clients / patients, that is, the vulnerable part of the relationship between health plans and patients. In addition, it is also verified the analysis of a real case study, about leakage and sharing of medical data of individuals, by digital means, which has become common fact, before the growing development of social media, which are used improperly by health professionals. Thus, the present study analyzed data from various sources and objects of study (legislation, jurisprudence, patents and case study), in order to provide a complete scenario of the state of the issue regarding data protection from other areas, to the core of Telemedicine.

Keywords: Artificial Inteligence; Information Protection; Medical Historic; Sensitive Data; Telemedicine.