Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology
Year: 2019
(Un)limited-(Mis)Placed-Space(less): The Forms of Transformation from Istanbul to Bursa
Dr. Tuba Sarı
The case of transformation is discussed with high-rise development that are presented as the sign and image of mega-cities in global scale. The paper aims to question the forms of spatial transformation created by high rises at the scale of the urban design considering criteria of the relationship between the natural-physical environment and architectural-structural identity. Also, it examines the effects of the transformation on the urban fabric and the silhouette with high-rise development. In the scope of the research, the field study contains two different building projects chosen according to the method of Convenience Sampling, Süzer Plaza rising in Istanbul and Tower Plaza project in Bursa. Istanbul and Bursa, which exhibit different characteristics in terms of urban settlement, scale and structuring character, reflect the common context problem in the frame of environment-context relation of high-rises. With this paper, it is aimed to evaluate high-rises from the perspective of the relationship between context and environment considering the sustainability of urban aesthetic. While high-rises mostly stand out as the sign of economic and political power on the axis of central business areas, Süzer Plaza and Tower Plaza show such a behavior that cannot be established with regard to the architectural and urban scale, which does not take any criteria in the context of urban settlement decisions resulted in un-limited, mis-placed and space-less urban areas. In conclusion, the relationship between physical and natural environment becomes more difficult as height and scale increase considering height decisions are connected with urban landscape and silhouette.
Keywords: high-rise; context; environment; urban; silhouette.