Reflections of Research Output on Odontoma during 1969-2018: A Fifty-Year Account

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2023



Reflections of Research Output on Odontoma during 1969-2018: A Fifty-Year Account

Prof. Dr. Seema Parmar, Dr. Ashwani Kumar




Odontoma refers to a kind of tumor of odontogenic origin and a number of researches have been conducted on this disease. Keeping in view the further research developments in the field of dentistry it becomes mandatory to know the amount of research work done in this field. The present study has been conducted to identify fifty years research output on Odontoma bibliometric analysis. A list of studies about Odontoma was obtained by using the Scopus database. A continuous increase in publication of papers on Odontoma was noted from fist decade 1969-78 to last decade except the decade 1989-98, impact of which is reflected in growth rate of this decadal period which is -15.06.  In 1989-98 there was a decrease in productivity but citation count was highest. Lowest ACPP was noted in the latest decade 2009-18.  There were 17 papers on Odontoma received highest share of citations (20.02%) of total citation followed by 166 papers (17.77 %), 33 papers (16.5%), 72 papers (12.94%) and 42 papers (10.75%) while other papers credited less than 10 percent of share of total citations. Single authors published 197 papers which was comparatively less among all type of authorship while multi-authored publications remained highest i.e. 395 papers during fifty year period. Collaboration coefficient (CC) remained 0.38 over the fifty years, indicating a moderate level of collaboration. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology was most preferred journals for publications of journals. Ide, F. from Universidade de Sao Paulo contributed highest publications on Odontoma. USA among all countries published highest research papers (18.91% share) on Odontoma. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the research landscape on Odontoma, offering insights into publication trends, authorship patterns, and the global distribution of research output. This analysis serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to identify gaps and guide future research endeavors in the field of odontogenic tumors and oral pathology.

keywords: Research Output, Odontoma, odontogenic tumors, Dentistry, Bibliometrics, Publications