Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Education
Year: 2023
A Case Study on Teaching English as A Foreign Language Through Movies to Students of Higher Education
Prof. Jasmin Jusufi
Learning English is a must nowadays, especially for students pursuing higher education and aspiring for a presence on the international stage. There are many methods of teaching English as a foreign language. This case study focuses on the use of audiovisual material in particular photographs and movies as a method to master the English language communication skills. In the current world, students must develop appreciable English language comprehension and communication skills to peruse international literature and find ways to express their opinions at the academic level. This study is conducted with the first year bachelor students of three different faculties using quantitative and qualitative methods. A carefully designed online questionnaire as well as interviews are the main research methods. Findings prove that using photos and videos as teaching materials during English communication classes sparked students’ interest to engage in discussion and as the matter of fact they have improved they overall English skills, especially improved their confidence in expressing their ideas in English.
keywords: Movies in TESL, ESP, Teaching ESL in HE at the University of Prizren