Promoting students’ voice in assessing science inquiry skills: A synthesis review

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2023



Promoting students’ voice in assessing science inquiry skills: A synthesis review

Dr. Qasim Alshannag, Dr. Othman Abu Khurma



This article outlines the structured investigative importance of student’s voice and for assessing their inquiries, specifically in science subjects. Schools may sustain good practice and learning by collecting and utilizing student input as part of school-wide processes to guide regular inquiry and daily instruction cycles. Measuring the gaps between what has been taught and what has been learned enables teachers to pinpoint and close those gaps. This study provides a systematic review of student’s voice and their inquiry skills. The methodology and writing method used was PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis). Articles and materials related to the topic were located primarily using two databases, focusing on promoting students’ voice in assessing science inquiry skills. This study concludes with a proposed framework, strategies, and suggestions for improving student’s voice to enhance their inquiry skills.

keywords: Studen’s voice, Inquiry skills, Inquiry-based learning