Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2023
Enhancing academic qualities by implementing alternative promotion tracks
Yehudith Weinberger
Staff members in academia are expected concurrently to meet diverse expectations as they go about their duties: responding appropriately to students’ scholastic needs, performing ongoing research on an adequate level, and being involved in their institutions. Those who manage to bear this academic burden and function optimally in all respects are found worthy of promotion by their institutions. This study followed the activity of staff promotion committees on two different tracks over a five-year period. The findings show that the researcher track saw a gradual decrease in portfolios presented for promotion and an upturn in the rate of portfolios approved for promotion, while the other track showed a mild increase in portfolios submitted and a decline in portfolios approved for promotion. These trends continued until the tracks attained equilibrium at two different points during the period investigated. The implications of the findings are argued in the discussion section.
keywords: academic ranks, promotion portfolio, research track, other track