Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Surveying: A Possibility for the Design of Geometry Curricula in Indigenous Rural Schools
Fredy Alejandro Barbosa Meléndez, Olga Lucia León Corredor
This paper presents the results of the doctoral thesis entitled: Surveying in the design of Teaching Trajectory that promote the learning of geometry in the rural school carried out in Doctorado Inteinstitucional en Educación of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (DIE-UD). The purpose of this thesis was to strengthen the training of rural mathematics teachers to design curricula that would improve the teaching and learning of geometry in rural schools. To address this purpose, three teachers from rural ethno-educational schools in the Colombian department of La Guajira participated. The research concludes that surveying provides an experiential phenomenology that incorporates local rural practices that support meaningful learning of Euclidean geometry.
Keywords: Rural Education, Educational History, Mathematics, Teacher, Curriculum Research.