University-based Translators’ Training within Multiethnic State: Nation-wide Strategy is Required

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2023



University-based Translators’ Training within Multiethnic State: Nation-wide Strategy is Required

Anastasia Atabekova




The research argues that the sustainable development of the multiethnic state requires a nation-wide  system of language education which include training of specialists who master the  translation ad interpreting  (T&I) skills regarding the state and official local languages  (S&OLL) of the multilingual country. The findings confirm that a multiethnic state requires  the development of national and local regions legislation that specify the status of T&I as tools for consistent communication among representatives of different ethnic groups. The development of the T&I units within the local governments  is  needed for the  federal documents  T&I into local languages and vice versa. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy for Academia and Industry  is required to train T&I specialists with the S&OLL  pairs. Such a strategy incorporates development of the local academic schools of different regions within the country  with the focus of T&I studies and practice regarding the  S&OLL specifics; development of educational standards, university degree courses  and didactic tools for training T&I specialists with  S&OLL mastery; Academia  engagement in the development of local region multilingual services in public institutions of the respective local region and  in the development of digital tools for T&I with the use of S&OLL pairs. The above tracks implementation will be considered through the examples of the Russian Federation regions that conduct  the university-based training of the T&I specialists who master varied S&OLL pairs within a multiethnic state.

keywords: education, multilingualism, translation, university degree