Proceedings of The 6th International Academic Conference on Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2023
The Role of British Empire’s Military Missions in Central Asia during the Early 20th Century: A Focus on the Malleson Mission
Dr. Görkem Ozan Özalp
This article focuses on the Malleson mission, a British military strategy employed during World War I to expand their power in Central Asia and counter Russian expansionism. The British Empire aimed to increase its influence in Asia during the early 20th century while competing with other emerging powers in the region, namely Russia and Japan. In pursuit of this goal, British leaders developed new strategies, including military policies, that were crucial in defending their interests and maintaining power balances. One of the key military strategies used by the British was sending military missions to expand their control in the region, and the Malleson Mission of 1918 was a significant example of this approach. This article provides a historical overview of the Great Game, the strategic rivalry between the British and Russian empires in Central Asia, and their use of military missions to exert influence. The article examines the Malleson mission’s objectives, structure, and impact, arguing that it was part of a broader British strategy to expand their power in Central Asia by supporting anti-Bolshevik forces. Additionally, the article explores the mission’s legacy in the region, including its contribution to the formation of new states like Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, as well as its broader impact on British Empire’s strategies for gaining power in Asia.
keywords: Anti-Bolshevik forces, Central Asia, Great Game, Military strategy, Power balance