The Design of Learning Environments as a Tool for Incorporating Innovation in Classrooms

Proceedings of the 6th International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2023



The Design of Learning Environments as a Tool for Incorporating Innovation in Classrooms

Poyato-Núñez, Marta M. ª y Parra-González, M. ª Elena




The design of learning environments has been studied by researchers for years, who believe that, in order to methodologically revitalise classrooms, the environment needs to be understood as a tool that favours the teaching-learning process. A quality learning space that provides students with an optimal environment for social relations, collaborative work and participation; thus, fostering innovation and the incorporation of active methodologies.

Knowing the opinion of teachers, as key components of the educational community, is essential in order to draw conclusions on the current state of educational centres, the characteristics of the infrastructures and adequacy of resources. Accordingly, the study presented herein, has been conducted with the aim of analysing whether the design of existing learning environments is suitable for the incorporation of innovation in classrooms. Through a questionnaire, which has been designed and validated by the researchers, results have been obtained from a sample made up of 210 primary school teachers who teach children from Year 3 to Year 6, across various schools. The results obtained highlight the relevance that teachers believe the design of learning environments has on the teaching-learning process; considering this an essential element for incorporating renovation in classrooms.

keywords: design, education, learning environments, innovation, active methodologies