Digital Humanities: The Contribution of the Semantic Web

Proceedings of The 6th International Academic Conference on Management and Economics

Year: 2023



Digital Humanities: The Contribution of the Semantic Web

Dr. Tzavaras Panagiotis, Karamanoli Eirini




The 4th Industrial Revolution, or 2nd digital revolution, has brought about drastic changes in the economy and society, as technology develops at a rapid pace. Digital humanities take advantage of this technological evolution to uncover new ways to approach the humanities and the social sciences. In particular, the 4IR has enabled the development of new technologies that are facilitating the integration of virtual and physical environments in different digital humanities sectors, such as arts and culture. In addition, it helped digital humanities scholars to analyze massive amounts of data and apply machine learning algorithms to identify patterns, uncover new insights and approach cultural, historical, and literary phenomena in a more comprehensive and differentiated way. In the context of 4IR, the Semantic Web plays a crucial role in enabling machines and humans to access and use the vast amount of data generated by advanced technologies, by providing a common language and structure for data exchange and integration. This study employs a literature review, to examine and analyze existing published sources, in order to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the semantic web, digital humanities, and the Sampo model in the context of humanities research.

keywords: Digital Humanities, Semantic Web, 4IR