The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Organisational Commitment in Small Medium Enterprises

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Management, Business and Economics

Year: 2023



The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Organisational Commitment in Small Medium Enterprises

Mary Matlakala



The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between HRM practices and organisational commitment of employees in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Capricorn District in Limpopo Province. A quantitative research design was used in which self-administered questionnaires were utilised to collect data from a convenience sample of 149 participants. The sample size constituted of 149 employees from 18 SMEs. The data was collected using three structured questionnaires (Demographic section), (Human Resource Management Practices Questionnaire and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire) with closed questions. Descriptive and inferential statistics including correlation and regression analyses were used to conduct data. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between HRM practices and Organisational Commitment.  The results revealed that employees were not satisfied with the HRM practices in the workplace and had low organisational commitment. It was recommended that SMEs managers implement proper HRM practices for their employees to be committed to the organisation. The study recommends further research on other HRM practices that may have influence on employee’s organisational commitment.

keywords: Human Resource Management practices, Organisational Commitment, Small Medium Enterprises, Recruitment and selection, Affective commitment