Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Promoting shared academic paths through the university alliances: a survey for the investigation of teachers’ training needs
Nicole Messi
This paper gives an overview on the reality of European universities inside the alliances as a strategy to promote the connection among people and institutions belonging to common contexts.
For long time the European Union gave many guidelines on the features these realities should put into practice. In this contribution we will provide a focus on one specific consortium called UNITA Universitas Montium which is dealing with these directions especially focusing on the promotion of learning innovation through new strategies related to teachers’ training inside the different institutions that are part of the alliance.
In this regard, it has been created a survey, spread from October 2022, to understand teachers’ needs and interests on many training topics, as a starting point to give birth to more and more ad hoc and engaging training projects and consequently develop a common and shared course of action in the learning field.
keywords: Teachers’ training needs, higher education, Faculty development, Teaching and learning centers, university alliances