Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Foreign Language Teaching in the Dynamics of Curricular Changes in Pre-primary and Primary Education in Slovakia
Lýdia Simanová, Zuzana Lynch
The paper focuses on the issue of foreign language teaching in primary and pre-primary education. The aim of the research was to analyse the national concept of promoting foreign language education in Slovakia since the 1990s. The methodology was based on a content analysis of curriculum documents and their accompanying methodological materials. The research tool allowed to define and describe the indicators in diachronic aspect in terms of the main objectives, forms, methods and content of foreign language teaching. The article presents the results of the analysis of documents in the field of teaching foreign languages in primary and pre-primary education in Slovak conditions. They provide the basis for the possibilities of solving the current state of centrally institutionalized foreign language teaching with regard to the interests and needs of the target groups. The discussion discursively confronts the current challenges and trends of foreign language teaching in national conditions with similar experiences and educational trajectories. The paper was created under the grant of KEGA project No. 011UMB4/2022 named “Creation of a web portal of methodological support for foreign language teaching in primary education”.
keywords: language teaching, primary and pre-primary education, methodological support, foreign languages