Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
A Review of Teaching Permutation Using play-way method
Deborah O. Makinde
It is an obvious fact that Mathematics is everywhere but from time, it has been identified as a difficult and fearful subject, probably because of its high demand of great thinking capability. This biased perception of the subject is enough to affect the interest of students and especially the female gender. But there are also fundamental factors affecting the teaching and learning of mathematics which range from demographic, instructional, to individual factors. Among these factors, instructional factor itself cannot be over emphasized in the eradication of mathematics learning difficulties, to increase the interest of students especially the female gender. Permutation is one of the topics that prove difficult to students. In this paper, we explain the use of play-way method in the teaching and learning of permutation.
keywords: Teaching, Instructional factors, Permutation