Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Training Translation Students Using Virtual Training Post-COVID-19
Dr. Hana Albadou
This paper aims to know the effects of virtual training in training translation students on translation. The researcher uses a quasi-experimental design with experimental and control groups with 60 students who graduated from Translation departments from different Arab universities. The participants trained for two months from the beginning of February 2022 to the beginning of April 2022, and a pre-posttest was conducted to focus on students’ performance after receiving the lessons by virtual training. Also, the researcher used a questionnaire to know students’ attitudes toward using virtual training at the end of Covid-19 and the back to face- to -face education. The pre-posttest showed that the trainees had good performance after utilizing training performing. The results of the study showed that the targeted students have positive attitudes towards virtual training and they feel comfortable by training from their places without the need to go to any place. Therefore, the researcher has drawn discussion and results from the given analyzed data. As well, the researcher recommends using virtual training especially when students are responsible and have the desire to learn.
keywords: Translation Students, virtual training, Post-COVID-19 C