The necessity of Audio Visuals in Adult Education – An empirical study in Second Chance Schools in Greece

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



The necessity of Audio Visuals in Adult Education – An empirical study in Second Chance Schools in Greece

Avraam Sachpatzidis



Starting from the basic principles and theories of Adult Education, the specific characteristics of adult learners, as well as the conditions for their effective education, the present study will attempt to present the importance of the use of audiovisual material (television, educational and non-educational, video, multimedia, etc.) in Adult Education in Second Chance Schools. For the effectiveness of education in adult population, it is useful to follow some prerequisites. The connection of learning with the needs of learners, as well as its voluntary nature are considered necessary elements. Still, for learning to be effective, careful structuring of the educational programme is needed, with clear reference of the educational objectives to the trainees. Also, personalisation in learning is considered particularly useful by incorporating the ways and pace of learning desired by the learners. Audiovisual media can be an important facilitator for adults in order to enable their active participation and overcome any obstacles on the path to the acquisition of new knowledge, since knowledge is made tangible through them (Wiezner, 1987). The use of audiovisual media, in contrast to traditional teaching methods, therefore, enhances adult learners’ motivation to learn, since the combination of image and sound, as well as the charm of the codes of spectacle, make these media attractive, while at the same time allowing observation and enhancing group or practical exercises, they also contribute significantly to the process of self-education. Audiovisual media also promote self-activity, with an attempt to personalise teaching. The present research examined via a project the results of the use of audiovisual materials in an adult class of a second chance school in the suburbs of Athens. The results show the importance of use of audiovisual material in adult classrooms, not only for the new knowledge acquisition but also for the students’ satisfaction and motivation for the learning process.

keywords: adult education, audiovisual material, lifelong learning