Adaptation and integration of eco-migrants in local communities of Georgia (on the example of Guria region)

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Social Sciences

Year: 2022



Adaptation and integration of eco-migrants in local communities of Georgia (on the example of Guria region)

Ineza Zoidze, Irakli Manvelidze, Levan Jakeli



In this article we have researched the characteristics of adaptation-integration of the Georgian eco-migrants in local communities. In the second half of the twentieth century, especially at the end of this period, the population damaged from natural disasters and from regions, that are naturally unstable setteld in 19 administrative units in Adjara.These units are:Meskhet Javakheti, Kartli, Kakheti, upper region of Samegrelo and Guria region.In this paper work we have fundamentally researched the compact settlement of the eco- migrants of Adjara region in Guria region and the following issues.
Through the studies of the archival documents and field ethnographic research we have reached the conclusion that in the mentioned region there have been settled the eco-migrants, about 4500 families in order to release the overpopulation and few of them experienced re- immigration in the region.
The research has been shown that the first flow of the eco-migrants in Guria was setteled by themselves in the 70s,80s of the 19th century , the second settlement occured in the 60-70s of the 20th century and the third one in the 80s with the support of the state. Eco -migrants created compact settlements in Ozurgeti municipality, township Nasakirali and in Chokhatauri municipality village Zoti. All the above mentioned influenced on their language cultural and agricultural life.
The research of the adaptation integration in local communities has revealed a certain kind of peculiarity of their compact, differentiated and settle with equal principles towards local people. This settlement managed to make the conservation of the customs, traditions and cultural elements characteristic for the primary ethnographic group and this made them different from the local ethnographic groups. The time passed and this difference became clearer in comparision of the first ethnographic groups( where they came from),because they did not regart differentiated settlement they get agricultural and cultural elements from local communities.In settlements where there are local and eco- migrants are the same amount, there are some conflicts.

keywords: Ecomigration, eco-migrant, migration politics, local community