Proceedings of The 5th Global Conference on Women’s Studies
Year: 2023
How is Somali culture in Workplace? An Analysis based upon the Dimensions of Hofstede’s Model
Naima Saed Mohamed
The originality of dimensions of national cultural notion comes from Professor Geert Hofstede until now the countries that are participated in this study and collected data was more than 100 countries. Despite that, there are a few countries that do not have this information until now including Somalia so, looking at that gab this paper addressed the question how is Somali culture in workplace under Hofstede’s national culture dimensions, especially power distance and masculinity vs. femininity. The answers to questions on hierarchical relationships and gender status in the workplace are what determine power distance and masculinity vs. femininity. The work relationship among employee and an employer is more likely reflect a culture of inequality. The organization accepts power distance in the workplace as a norm; they organize centralization, and workers expect to receive instructions. The majority of organizations and businesses are typically run and chaired by men due to the cultural belief in male superiority in Somalia. In societies dominated by men, it is often important for men to have a higher education and professional career than women. In the workplace evident high masculinity; for instance, men have preferred high-level positions rather than women. Socially, gender roles are obviously distinct.
keywords: culture, femininity, masculinity, organization, Power distance, and workplace