Sohanjana Antibullying Intervention: Culturally and Socially Targeted   Intervention for Teachers in Pakistan to Take Actions against Bullying

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Future of Education

Year: 2022



Sohanjana Antibullying Intervention: Culturally and Socially Targeted   Intervention for Teachers in Pakistan to Take Actions against Bullying

Sohni Siddiqui, Dr. Anja Schultze-Krumbholz and Mahwish Kamran



Multiple studies have revealed that bullying and cyberbullying are common practices in Pakistan’s educational institutions and have negatively impacted student health and well-being. The application of antibullying interventions from other countries after adaptation or adoption has not always been successful at preventing bullying in institutions. A contextualized antibullying intervention for Pakistani teachers, Sohanjana Antibullying Intervention, was designed as the first of its kind. The goal of this program is to assist teachers in identifying bullying and victimization issues prevalent in educational institutions, intervene quickly to assist pupils, and to create a conducive school environment. In the present paper, we present the design, the theoretical background and the different modules of the Sohanjana intervention program. After a comprehensive literature review on bullying in Pakistan, and conducting a baseline survey for need assessment, content and activities have been developed. Teachers are trained for 32 hours in eight different modules with various themes. In the present paper, we present the design, the theoretical background, details of different modules and preliminary evaluation data of the Sohanjana intervention program.

keywords: Teachers’ Professional Development, Anti Bullying Intervention, Social and Cultural adaptation.