Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Future of Education
Year: 2022
The Support of Technology in Improving Employee’s Professional Development at the Workplace in Collaboration with Higher Technical Institutes
James Elikana Mmari
Lifelong learning environment at the workplace is among the needs of many employees and having guarantee on personal improvement in their career is among the things that motivate employees and lead to increased individual’s performance. This study focuses on exploring the perceptions of employees, educators and employers in technical higher education, on how they perceive the use of technology in supporting lifelong learning at the workplace as well as in supporting them to achieve required subjects outcomes in higher technical education and improving working skills which leads to individual’s professional development at the workplace. Semi-structured interviews were administered to employed students (N = 4) and educators (N = 4) from higher educational institutions, and employers (N = 4) from various business sectors. Using technology in integrating workplace learning and higher technical education has helped employees achieve their personal development goals as well as changing their mind set towards the organization. The gap between industries and educational institutes has been narrowed down due to an increased collaboration in areas of research and curriculum development activities. Employees have access to various solutions that help them to meet demands from the workplace as well as that of the courses they have enrolled to. On the other hand government, involvement is very important so that such a learning approach has the support from various policies. This study gave profound results for further large-scale study, also helped the researcher to measure and check the validity of the data collection tool.
keywords: educational technology, higher technical education, lifelong learning, staff development, workplace learning.