Variation of Albanian Vitex Agnus Castus L. Fruits Essential Oil Yield Relating Geographic Position

Proceedings of ‏The 5th International Conference on Applied Research in Science, Technology and Knowledge

Year: 2021


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Variation of Albanian Vitex Agnus Castus L. Fruits Essential Oil Yield Relating Geographic Position

Evelina Hasa, Sonila Duka, Sidita Mance, Enida Nushi



This study investigates variation of Albanian Vitex agnus castus L. essential oil yield relating geographic position. Twelve samples were taken for this study. Sampling was done on different locations, from north to south Albania, during October 2017, the main harvesting period, when the seed is fully matured. At each location fruits were collected randomly, from a large number of plants, representing the population of the sampling station. Samples were comminuted before extraction, and essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. There are significant variations in essential oil yields percentage, referring geographic position, same year, and same harvesting period. The mean oil yield obtained was 0.49 %, it varies from 0.74% in Gjader/V5 and Vau i Dejes/V3, located in north-west Albania to 0.15% in Seman/V7, located to west Albania. The results obtained, show a considerable variation in essential oil yield percentage between locations such as north and south regions. High yielding populations are located mostly in north and north-west of Albania. Samples taken in west and south-west, show a moderate yield percentage, Seman/V7 station show the lowest yield percentage 0.15%.

Keywords: Vitex agnus castus L, essential oil, Lamiaceae, extraction, hydro-distillation.