Why Jane Eyre is Jane Eyre – An Analysis of the Influence of Foster Care Education on Jane Eyre with Satya’s Iceberg Theory

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2022

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/5th.shconf.2022.10.104


Why Jane Eyre is Jane Eyre – An Analysis of the Influence of Foster Care Education on Jane Eyre with Satya’s Iceberg Theory

Shiting Zhu



Jane Eyre is the heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s autobiographical novel Jane Eyre, and her behavior of being independent, confident, courageous, loving, and forgiving makes her highly recognized by the public. Jane’s likable behavior is closely related to her mental health. Virginia Satir, a famous psychologist conveyed that compared to the behavior of oneself, the more significant part of the inner world is inconspicuous. In other words, Jane’s behavior is inextricably linked to her psychology. Even more, Virginia Satir also mentioned that a person’s surroundings would also have a particular influence on his/her character and psychological behavior. To put it another way, Jane Eyre’s behavior has something to do with the experience of her miserable childhood. Furthermore, foster care education, as the first way Jane learned about the world, had a significant impact on Jane’s psychology. The study of the impact of foster care education on Jane will have some influence and inspiration on the development and planning of modern education. This paper will conduct an analysis of the influence of foster care education on Jane Eyre with Satya’s iceberg theory.

Keywords: foster care education, Jane Eyre, Satya’s iceberg theory.