Virtual Patient: Development of a Clinical Cases Simulator as a Tool for Medical Education

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Research in Applied Science

Year: 2022



Virtual Patient: Development of a Clinical Cases Simulator as a Tool for Medical Education

Flávio H. B. De Souza, Samara S. Leal, Marconi A. A. Dos Reis, Ricardo C. Santiago, Lucas L. D. O. Rocha, Maria L. B. De Faria, Leonora D. O. Rocha, Alan E. E. Dias, Aline M. D. D. Carvalho, Brener E. Rodrigues, Camila M. O. E Silva, Danilo C. S. E Silva, Elisa P. Weber, Fernanda D. D. S. Gonçalves, Júlia F. Melo, Letícia F. D. C. Silva, Lucas E. G. A. Moraes, Maria D. C. A. De Oliveira, Thaís A. Castro, Tiago R. Dos Santos, Walkiria M. G. Fuentes, Yuri C. L. Slailati



Despite undeniable advances in medicine, medical errors still remain a problem that threatens healthcare professionals. An aggravating factor was the COVID-19 pandemic: as the number of cases of the disease increased, health centers began to limit student access, representing a break in traditional medical education. In countermeasure, the simulation of procedures has figured as an option, as teams can learn and practice in a safe environment. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the developing process of an accessible and functional virtual simulator in order to reproduce clinical situations. The medical students can improve their behavior when in usual or unusual cases. The research was managed through a university project with professors and students of Medicine and Information Technology. The project consisted of three stages: a systematic literature review of the main medical scientific databases; a database of clinical cases development to guide a web simulation structure, with the formulation of the medical consultation; a standard definition via BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) for the operational organization of the medical services was built. As results: a comparative survey of the simulators on the market was carried out; a flowchart template was developed on the HEFLO BPMN platform for procedures, and an initial simulation structure in a cloud platform. The multipurpose character of the tool is highlighted, and it can be used both in individual studies and in an evaluative activity, mainly because of its editable function, which guarantees its adaptation to the different contexts of medical education.

keywords: Simulation; Medical Education; BPMN; Cloud Computing.