Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Social Sciences
Year: 2023
The Impact of social media on High School Students in the Province of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Richard Aidoo, Richard Amenumey,Moukadaz Adewale Alogba
In spite of the vast use of social media platforms by global college students, the usage of digital platforms in secondary schools in KwaZulu Natal stays unknown. Consequently, research on the use of social media in KwaZulu Natal schools is warranted. This research uses a sequential mixed-design descriptive method. Interviews and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain qualitative data. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic content analysis respectively. A student, a computer teacher, and a parent/guardian participated in this study. One hundred and forty (140) students were selected through stratified random sampling to participate in the first phase.
Forty-four (44) participants were selected through nested sampling from the second round that was purposively sampled for the second round (qualitative). Research has found that social networking sites can help students learn more in class by incorporating different ideas. On the other hand, research also reveals the negative consequences of social media use. In addition, it was found that there is a lack of legislation regulating the use of social media in secondary schools in KwaZulu Natal. Above all, it is important to note that the adolescent environment includes everything. Factors such as the financial status of users, socializing agents, and bonding issues play an important role in the use of social media. Therefore, Context is (all inclusive). Social Media Program Habits, Policy Framework, Constructive Effects, Unintended Effects, and Psychological Aspects (CAPCUP) conceptual model is proposed as a guide for stakeholders involved in adolescent education. Future research should explore where, when, and for whom social media practices support positive well-being and social connection outcomes. Additionally, research related to child-rearing, academic practice, and policy is needed to validate social media and similar outcomes.
keywords: adolescent education, digital platforms, risks, socializing agents and teenagers