Emotion Workshop for Young Adults: A Comparison of Psychological Sypmtoms, Happiness and Psychological Well-Being

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Social Sciences

Year: 2023



Emotion Workshop for Young Adults: A Comparison of Psychological Sypmtoms, Happiness and Psychological Well-Being

Elvan, Kiremitçi-Canıöz




Emotion is a reaction to specific events and situations. Recognizing emotions is very useful for individuals’ social lives. People who have the ability to regulate emotions can give more accurate answers and thus they establish better quality social communication. Aims of this study are giving to people the ability of emotion regulation and expecting decrease of levels of depression and anxiety and increase of levels of happiness and psychological well-being at the end of the workshop. With all these purposes, an emotion workshop for young adults was conducted in this study. A total of 125 participants, 86.9% female and 13.1% male, took part in the study. All participants filled in pre-tests and post-tests. Depression and anxiety sub-dimensions of the Brief Symptom Inventory were used to measure depression and anxiety scores. The Oxford Happiness Scale was used to measure the happiness score. Finally, the Psychological Well-Being Scale was used to get the psychological well-being score. Afterwards, the Emotion Workshop was conducted by the researcher online. In this study, four activities were explained to the participants with Paired Samples T Test, they were asked to complete these activities and they were expected to express themselves in the group. Helping Hand, My Safe Space, I Am Valuable and Love Bombardment activities were respectively held with participants. According to the results, when the pre-test and post-test scores of the participants were compared, it was seen that depression and anxiety scores of all participants decreased significantly, while their happiness and psychological well-being scores increased significantly.

keywords: Anxiety, depression, emotion, happiness, psychology well-being