Administrative Challenges of Centre Workers of University of Education, Winneba

Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Social Sciences

Year: 2023



Administrative Challenges of Centre Workers of University of Education, Winneba

Michael Subbey (Ph.D.)




This study examined the administrative challenges faced by study centre workers of the University of Education, Winneba. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design. A structured questionnaire was administered to 84 study centre workers, selected through census. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation, were used to analyse the data obtained. The study revealed that centre workers admitted to knowing and taking up their administrative responsibilities for the programme’s success. Again, the study showed that irregular payment of tutors’ claims and insufficient and unequal distribution of course materials were challenges faced by the study centre workers. Also, the centre workers employed some coping skills to run the study centres. These include: arriving on time during tutorial and examination days to put arrangements in place; delegation of authority to course representatives to execute daily routines; making available teaching and learning resources to tutors. The study recommends that the management of CODeL, UEW, should organise frequent workshops for the Centre workers to update their knowledge about their responsibilities. In addition, management should resolve the issue of irregular payment of tutors’ claims and sensitize the workers on a regular basis regarding strategies they could employ to address their challenges in their administrative duties.

keywords: Administrative challenges, study centre, centre workers, centre coordinators, administrative assistants