Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Innovative Research in Education
Year: 2022
Sustainable development and universities: A case study of a Greek Higher Education Institution
Aggelos Kavasakalis, Kyriaki Sidiropoulou
Environmental sustainability and the green transition are central goals of European societies and a key aspect of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Universities are institutions that (a) may address the environmental challenges facing the planet, (b) promote the discussion concerning sustainable and environmental policies, (c) establish actions to green their own footprint and, (d) contribute to the promotion of the relative informing of their student or in more general the citizens and social actors. The present communication is based on a broader research that is in its initial stage and is related to the investigation of the attitudes of faculty members and the perceptions of the administrative authorities of a Greek university regarding the role of the university in promoting sustainability and sustainable development. In this paper, we will briefly present the central objectives and policy axes of the international and European green agenda. We will then highlight the role of universities in sustainable development by underlining the importance of higher education for sustainability, which is currently at the center of European attention. The paper will conclude with a focus on the ongoing corresponding research in a Greek university. The methodological tools of this research are semi-structured interviews and text analysis.
keywords: Sustainable development, Green Universities, environmental policies, knowledge society, higher education