Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education
Year: 2022
Promoting Intercultural Education using a board game in formal and in-formal educational contexts
Panagiotis Kosmas and Andrea Filippou
The multicultural society that characterizes the majority of European Union (EU) countries represents one of the main opportunities and, at the same time, challenges for the future of the EU. The EU is encouraging initiatives to support EU common values, avoiding loss of sense of belonging of its citizens, on one side, and including the cultural richness brought by citizens from other countries of the world, on the other side, thus drawing bridges for mutual enrichment and exchange. This study uses a non-formal educational approach – the learning by playing approach – in formal and non-formal field in order to examine whether a board game is an effective tool to promote the values of tolerance and mutual understanding of different cultures, supporting intercultural citizenship education in secondary classrooms. Quantitative analysis of 206 secondary school pupils in Cyprus who completed an online questionnaire, demonstrates that the use of a non-formal pedagogical tool, and specifically, the use of a board game can be considered extremely important and valuable in inclusive and intercultural education. Students enhanced their social and civic competences and their knowledge on citizenship, EU, shared values, fundamental rights, intercultural citizenship and dialogues through discussion and reflection with their teammates.
keywords: intercultural education, learning by playing, secondary education, board game, classroom.