Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Science
Year: 2018
Beyond the Barriers of Nature: Critical analysis of views on God’s Existence in various religions
R. Rafique, N. Abas
This article reports critical overview of views on existence of God and naturalism. Theists argue the existence of God, atheists insist nonexistence of God, while agnostics claim the existence of God is unknowable, and even if exists, it is neither possible to demonstrate His existence nor likely to refute this spiritual theology. The argument that the existence of God can be known to all, even before exposure to any divine revelation, predates before Islam, Christianity and even Judaism. Pharos deity claim shows that the concept of deity existed long before major religions. History shows the Greek philosophers also tried to explore God before, during and after the prophet’s revolution in Mesopotamia. Today presupposition apologetical doctrine (Abram Kuyper) ponders and defends the existence of God. They conclude the necessary condition of belief to be exposed to revelation that atheists deny calling transcendental necessity. Human experience and action is proof of God’s existence as His existence is the necessary condition of human being’s intelligibility. The spirituality exists in all human sub-consciousness and sometimes, reveals to consciousness of some individuals. Human being’s inability to conceive the cosmos shows that there exist more types of creatures in different parts of universe. Enlightened men’s capability to resurrect corpse proves soul’s immortality. Questions like poor or the intelligent design and external or internal search for exposure of revelation have been discussed in context of theism and atheism doctrines. Based on philosophical views it will be endeavored to imagine beyond time-space barriers.
Keywords: God; Allah; Muhammad; Naturalism; Theist.