Best Practice for Marketing Heritage Site:  analysing the Jubbah Rock Art in Hail Saudi Arabia

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Future of Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2023



Best Practice for Marketing Heritage Site:  analysing the Jubbah Rock Art in Hail Saudi Arabia

Ali Alyusuf




In recent years, the tourism industry has been recognized as a particularly important business sector because of its vast potential to impact on the wider economy. According to the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (2017), Saudi Arabia is looking forward expecting 20 million tourists by 2024 (SCTH, 2019).  Attracting tourists through its beautiful heritage attractions.  Heritage tourism provides direct benefits for regional economies and heritage sites are an essential component of this. Heritage tourism enhances economic development within local communities and this study will accordingly focus on the best practice for increasing visitation to regional heritage attractions in order to generate the maximum economic benefit. The advantages are to bring business, invite foreign investors, increase population and bring employment to job seekers (Madkour, 2015; Mohamed, 2018; Farag, 2019, Alyusuf, 2019). This study is based on secondary data collected, which means that the researcher has gathered data from other scholars using the interpretive social science paradigm. This study investigates best practice for the most famous Rock Art at Jubbah, Hail region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by identifying the values of the site and analysing motivational factors that attract tourists. In addition, the study, also analyses the marketing strategies of the site and will identify best practice for promoting the site for both local and international tourists. Finally, based on the results, the study offers some suggestions and recommendations to increase the number of visitors to the Jubbah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

keywords: Heritage sites, best practice, marketing strategies, motivational factors