Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Finance
Year: 2019
Revealing the importance of cooperative ties and R&D support within Czech manufacturing industry
Viktor Prokop, Jan Stejskal and Ondrej Kuba
The importance of cooperation in the field of application knowledge and skills in creative processes is a constantly discussed topic. In general, these processes are described by a many study, but each of them acknowledges the need to take into account the specificities of individual countries and industries. All firms in the knowledge processes use cooperative links with their partners and often also public funds, which the state provides to support increased competitiveness or innovative absorption. Therefore, the aim of this paper has been defined as (i) to verify whether cooperation on innovation activities lead to growth or decrease of firms’ turnover and (ii) to find ways to allocate public funds more effectively, because most of innovation activities and cooperation are supported from public funds. Two linear regression models were employed. Data was sourced from a harmonized questionnaire of selected EU Member States from the Community Innovation Survey carried out in the Czech Republic for the period 2010-2012. Analyses have confirmed that collaborative links are at the heart of innovation processes, as well as the manufacturing industry has significant public resources that support these links and influence the growth of their turnover.