Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2019
Socioeconomic Inequality and Well-Being in the Northern Border of Mexico
Jocelyne Rabelo Ramírez and Abigail Yescas Sandoval
The sustainable development goals are no poverty, reduced inequalities, quality education, health and well-being, among others (UN, 2015); in this sense, well-being and development conditions of those people who lives in a specific area (country or region, for example) have become a priority issue to study. This paper´s aim is to analyze the socioeconomic inequality and well-being situation between Mexican entities that border to the south of U.S. (Baja California, Sonora, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas), using the Gini (for income and education) and a well-being index. It is found that, in relative terms, the population living in the Northern Border of Mexico, have better welfare conditions and lower rates of inequality, which make these entities attractive to people living in the south region of Mexico, a situation that can impact the performance of those indicators in the medium and long term.
Keywords: education, income, inequality, well-being.