Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2019
The Specifics of Self-Harmers Attempting Suicide
Slavka Demuthova and Andrej Demuth
Psychological approaches towards the problem of self-harm vary in their opinion whether the suicidal behaviour belongs to its forms. Whilst ICD-10 includes suicidal attempts within the concept of Intentional Self-Harm, DSM-5 strictly excludes suicidal behaviour from the clinical category of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. The aim of the study is to bring actual data on self-harming population of adolescents with emphasis on the specifics of those who admitted a suicidal attempt within their history of self-harm. Data from 378 self-harmers aged 11 to 19 (mean=15.51; st. dev.=1.446) showed, that participants with the history of suicidal attempts (25.9%) are specific in the female sex, the higher overall prevalence of self-harming acts, the higher number of forms and earlier onset of self-harming behaviour than those without suicidal attempt. Data analysis showed that suicidal attempts are closely tight to self-harming behaviour and should be considered rather as an escalated and extreme form of this risk behaviour than an independent clinical category.
Keywords: DSM-5; deliberate self-harm; ICD-10; tentamen suicidii.