Proceedings of The 2nd Global Conference on Education and Teaching
Year: 2021
Digital Natives from the Generation Z – Educational Levels of Developing Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
Erika Moravčíková
This paper shows how the concept of media literacy is understood and applied in real life, by analysing interactive workshops organised by non-profit educational organisations (Pontis Foundation) and human rights organisations (PostBellum, Mareena). The paper makes a socio-cultural reflection and analysis of educational models for the development of critical thinking and critical apperception of media content. Subsequently, it points out how these activities can contribute to eliminating risk behaviour of primary and secondary school pupils (especially concerning prejudices and stereotypes, discrimination, xenophobia, racism, etc.) against the background of life in the post-truth era. It analyses a broader socio-cultural context by drawing attention to another related issue – potential risks for democracy. The advent of digital media has brought, apart from other things, a decline of public trust in traditional (mainstream) media, and conversely a boom of alternative information sources. At the same time, we want to demonstrate how these activities can increase media literacy and intercultural competences of digital natives from the Generation Z.
keywords: Digital media; Educational models; Media education; Post-truth era; Workshops.