Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Concept of an agent-based simulation of the spread of quantum computer-safe encryption measures
Paulina Schindler, Dario Dubberstein
Quantum computers are currently in development. Because they are expected to be able to crack many encryption measures used today, quantum computer-safe encryption measures need to be spread between market participants to keep them safe. Especially small and medium enterprises can be vulnerable in this regard. Because there is not enough historical data available to use most data-based prediction models, an agent-based simulation model concept is proposed to explore the possible future diffusion process between companies in the market and test different influencing factors for their relevance to find out which combination of factors can be seen as beneficial to this diffusion. With companies acting as agents, central elements of an agent-based simulation model concept based on internal (employees, management, general internal knowledge, and resources) and external (customers, government, other companies) influencing factors are created. Simulation scenarios are conceived to explore different possibilities of the spread of quantum computer-safe encryption measures between agents, like the diffusion being influenced by the government, a few big companies, or multiple smaller companies. In future research projects, this model concept will be realised, and the simulation scenario runs will be carried out. Based on the information gained during these explorative simulation runs, important influences could be identified and later used to support the adoption of quantum computer-safe encryption measures between all market participants.
keywords: ABM, quantum computing, diffusion