Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences
Year: 2023
It’s all about the attitude ! Political attitudes as antecedents of activism in liberal and illiberal democracies
Anne Sophie Puers, M.Sc.
an indirect influence on the loyalty towards the political system, mediated by the system’s perceived legitimacy. Multiple linear regression analyses reveal that both loyalty and efficacy positively predict activism. In sum, this work provides insight into the role political regime types play for the formation of political attitudes and the engagement in normative and nonnormative activism. The findings point to the importance of positive political attitudes for normative political participation. Results also indicate that democratic backsliding and illiberalism have considerable impacts on political attitudes and hence on the selection of normative versus non-normative modes of political engagement.
keywords: Political Attitudes, Loyalty, Legitimacy, Youth Activism, Non-Normative Participation, Disobedience, Illiberal Democracy