How Does Pink Tax Affect the Consumer Behavior of Female University Students in Jakarta and Bandung

Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Management, Economics and Humanities

Year: 2023



How Does Pink Tax Affect the Consumer Behavior of Female University Students in Jakarta and Bandung

Florentina Leila



The Pink Tax, as a generic term, describes the price differential between products that are particularly targeted towards women and those that are targeted at men, despite the fact that they are the same exact product with the same functionality. Pink Tax, a kind of gender-based price discrimination, is further examined in light of the increased focus on gender equality to determine its effects on consumers, particularly women. Through this essay, the author seeks to analyze how the Pink Tax has affected consumer behavior, particularly that of female university students in Jakarta and Bandung, while taking into account their financial circumstances as dependent students. The study uses respondents who meet the criteria for the study’s target population (female, in college, and financially dependent) for in-depth interviews. The study examines how these respondents reacted to the price hike on products targeted at women, as well as how their shopping habits changed and what they did instead. The findings demonstrate relationships among Pink tax, pricing discrimination, consumer buying/purchasing power, and female university students’ consumption habits in Jakarta and Bandung. Additionally, the author has successfully described how Pink Tax alters consumer behavior as well as the typical response of female students in this circumstance.

keywords: customer behavior, gender-based discrimination, pink tax, price discrimination, purchasing power women