Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Management, Economics and Humanities
Year: 2022
Impact of Human Resource Information System on Organizational Performance: Evidence from Delone & McLean’s Information System Success Model
Ipek Kalemci Tüzün, Didem Temelli
The current research aim is to understand the effectiveness of information systems used in human resources management (HRM) activities on perceived organizational performance. In this study, Delone & McLean Information Systems Success Model is used for measuring the success of human resources information systems which is one of the widely used for information systems success measurement. Companies’ current usage of Human Resource Information (HRIS) content on organizational performance is discussed as well. More clearly, both HRIS system effectiveness with the Delone & McLean success model and the content of HRIS is measured and those effects on organizational performance are explained. In order to examine study purposes, this research employed a survey design. A total of 229 managerial position employees attended the study whose titles as “human resource department manager”, “human resources specialist” and “human resources information systems specialist” from the different establishments in various companies in Turkey. The obtained data were evaluated through SPSS and AMOS statistical package programs. The results of this study provide support for that based on Delone & McLean’s success model; information, system, and service quality parameters influenced HRIS usage mostly with information quality and HRIS usage influencing organizational performance. Moreover, based on the mentioned success model just a service quality parameter has a significant impact on user satisfaction whereas no significant and positive effects of information and system quality on user satisfaction are observed. No significant impact has been identified for the effects of user satisfaction on perceived organizational performance. Finally, the content of HRIS significantly influenced perceived organizational performance.
Keywords: Human Resources Information System, Delone & McLean’s Success Model, Organizational Performance, Turkey.