The Inclusive Teaching Role from the Person-Entered Approach

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education, 2024

Year: 2024



The Inclusive Teaching Role from the Person-Entered Approach

Mareza Hernández Sandoval, Luz María Gutiérrez Hernández, María Reina Hernández Colorado, Marco Ismael Yáñez Hernández, Abigael Xilot Sánchez




The purpose of this article is to make a deliberate presentation about the consistency of the constructs empathy, congruence and unconditional acceptance of the person-centered approach in current educational inclusión,with the intention of establishing the nature of the ideological demands, the policies that education intends, the section is methodologically based on exploratory quantitative research in which there are great challenges that must be overcome asa community: the classroom and the role of the new teacher-facilitator. The conclusión isreached that educational facts, such as evalúes, are translated into attitudes, meanings, intentions and beliefs that are directly observable and susceptible, since in the educational field, behavior must be linked and generalied as part o the context. This writing has the objective of becoming a space for reflection that allows us to recognize ourselves as an inclusive community, strengthening our profesional identidy. Likewise, generate participation and positioning within the diversity framed from this theory for the sake of true inclusión for the purpose o quality of life. The resuts are presented based on an interpretation thrugh the application pase of the ad hoc. The selecction was carried out based of the criterio a) observed during the period june-juanuary 2023.2024, b) grouping of three educational programs of the same theme. Therefore, the presence of the teacher-facilitator is of vital importance. It is concluded that the goals and actions ofthe research presented in the work tables by fields of knowledge and actions, as in the case of this research. Will give rise to the next international inclusión congress…whose objective is the formation of a network of inclusión support. Today more tan ever we must respect human beings.

keywords: Person cenntered approach, diversity, teacher-facilitator, inclusive education