Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology

Barcelona, Spain

ISBN: 978-609-485-023-3 pub

Date: 5th September 2019

Diamond Scientific Publishing

Category: Engineering and Technology


The International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology was more than an event. It’s a platform for thought-provoking discussions, an opportunity to get published in prestigious indexed journals, and a chance to learn from a diverse group of academics, scholars, and researchers.Join us on the 5th-7th of September in Barcelona, Spain and soak in the knowledge, share findings from your research, learn about the latest trends, make new connections, network with the leading minds in the field, and explore the city.

Curricula Challenges in Computing / IT Disciplines in the Wake of Rapid Technological Advances, Changing Jobs Landscape, and Demands of Societal Needs

S.R. Subramanya
School of Engineering and Computing, National University, San Diego, USA
Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology, 2019
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Modeling an ontology for public E-Government Services in Albania

Jonida Shehu and Endri Xhina
The University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Tirana, Albania
Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology, 2019
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]