Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

Berlin , Germany

ISBN: 978-609-8239-10-2 Pub

Date: 21st December, 2018

Diamond Scientific Publishing

Category: Business, Management and Economics

The Scientific and Executive committee of the International Conference on Business, Management and Economics held in Berlin, Germany on the 21th to 23th of December, 2018, attempted to create a platform for presentation of novel ideas as well as innovative and practical practices in the fields Management, Economics and Accounting. Establishing some robust and mutual interactions and cooperation with scientists, governmental and non-governmental organizations across all geographical regions is a key focus of the conference.

Do psychological traits explain the gender gap in financial literacy?

Akua Peprah-Yeboah, Richard Quainoo and Nichole Nomo Newman.
Department of Accounting and Finance KNUST School of Business
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Bidders Premium on Government Land Auction: Floor Price vs. Winning price

ALEBEL B. Weldesilassie , GENANEW B. Worku
senior research fellow at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Ethiopia.
assistant professor at the University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Does age make difference amongst the angel investors?

Niroopa Rani Annamalaisami , Thillai Rajan Annamalai
Ph.D Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

The Differential Effects of Inter-firm Co-operation and Institutional Support on Performance: A study of Small and Medium-Sized in a Developing Economy

Stella Zulu-Chisanga , Mwansa Chabala and Benadette Mandawa-Bray
Copperbelt University
De Mont Font University
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Reasons and Risks of Outsourcing in Business

Beyza Erer
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

The Market for Polities and The Consumer Citizen: Applying Microeconomics to National Sovereignties

Octavian-Dragomir Jora , Matei-Alexandru Apăvăloaei and Mihaela Iacob
Associate Professor, Ph.D.The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Assistant, Ph.D.The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Foreign Direct Investment in Europe in Different Time Perspectives

Monika Hadaś-Dyduch
University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Economics,Department of Statistical and Mathematical Methods in Economics,
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

A Practical Guide to Videography

Feyza Ağlargöz
Dr. Faculty Member, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Anadolu University, Turkey
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Integrating Design Thinking Into the Way We Teach Business Management

Ozan Ağlargöz
Dr. Faculty Member, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Anadolu University, Turkey
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Recent Developments in Long-Term Care Policies in Turkey

Emre Kol
Anadolu University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Eskişehir,Turkey
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

The Impact of Feedback Following Organizational Leadership Development Initiatives

Manuel Urban
University of Latvia / Faculty of Business, Management and Economics
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

The Determinants of Employee Performance

Jhon Veri , Elfiswandi and Muhammad Ridwan
University of Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Indonesia
Proceedings of International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, 2018
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]