Proceedings of the International conference on Applied Research in Engineering,Science and Technology
Year: 2018 | Page No:144-151
The Effect of Different Plate Condition on Water Absorption Rate of Mineral Wool of Roof Panel
Servan Baran, Hadi Abbaszadeh
In recent years focus in energy dissipation was enhanced significantly and it effects the construction industry and specifically in construction materials. Using roof panel with mineral wool could significantly increase the energy trapped in building. Insulation materials which are used instead of energy dissipation were affected from environmental occurrence such as rain, fire and etc. Moreover, the condition of intended materials and specifically roof panels could affect their performance. In this paper, the effect of three different conditions (a) defected, (b) intact, (c) defected with long eave was demonstrated using water absorption rate of each specimen. Water absorption of each three specimens were measured every 3 hours until 12 hours under rain simulator which was provided for this test both for 3 % and 7% slop. Weights were measured for both air dried and oven dried and comparison was made among different conditions. One special fully covered intact specimen was provided also and measurements were implemented for this specimen for making better comparison. Results indicate approximately 2.5, 82, and 52 times increase in ultimate water absorption (12 hours) compared oven dried specimen for defected, intact, defected with long eave respectively.
Keywords: Mineral wool, Insulation Materials, Mineral wool of roof panels, Water absorption.