Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Science

Munich, Germany

ISBN: 978-609-485-183-4

Date: 29th July 2021

Diamond Scientific Publishing

Category: Applied Science

Welcome to the 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Science | 29 – 31 July 2021 | Munich, Germany.We will be diving into the most pressing challenges facing academics in the field, looking into the latest trends, and identifying top priorities. You are invited to become a part of a vibrant community that values free exchange of ideas and open discussion as a way to push the field forward. In addition to a carefully designed agenda under the guidance of our expert scientific committee, the event will feature a free tour of Munich.

Coupled Stochastic Geomechanical Reservoir Black-Oil Flow Modeling

Dulian Zeqiraj
Ph.D., Lecturer, Tirana Polytechnic University, Faculty of Geology and Mining, Department of Energy Resources, Albania
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Science, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Selecting The Optimal Ranking Strategy and Scheduling of Eor Processes in an Oil Field Through Stochastic Mixed Integer Programing

Dulian Zeqiraj
Faculty of Geology and Mining, Department of Energy Resources, Tirana, Albania
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Science, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

A Predictive Model Approach to Detect the Influence in Transmission of Juvenile Diabetes from Gestational Parent to The Next Generation

Assi. Prof. Aparna Vaidyanathan, Dr. Vasantha Kalyani David
Department of Computer Science, Fergusson College, Pune
Computer Science, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore
Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Research in Applied Science, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]