London, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-609-485-154-4
Date: 21st May 2021
Diamond Scientific Publishing
Category: Education, Teaching, and Learning
The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching, and Learning is a must-attend event for academia, researchers, and scholars. Covering such important topics as special education, education policy and leadership, e-learning, learning psychology, assessment and evaluation, machine learning, inductive reasoning, and many others, this engaging education and learning conference will cover the latest trends in the field and address common challenges.
Learned Helplessness and its Relation to Social Compatibility for Female Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Schools in Jubail Industrial City
Samar Mohammed Al Juhani and Kowthar Jamal Eldian Khalaf alla Ali
Department of Special Education, College of Science and Humanities, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Skills of Teaching Active Listening in Younger School-Age Students
Andrej Maras, Luka Pongračić,and Ana Maria Marinac
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
A Correlational Study of Self-Efficacy and Ikigai Comparing Between Students Aiming To Study Medicine and Those Interested in Other Degrees
Nattapong Chitsongsawat and Pratchayapong Yasri
Roi Et Wittayalai School, Thailand
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
A Suggested Model for Teaching EFL to Syrian Refugee Learners in Egypt
Mohamed Farrag Badawi, Ph.D.
Associate Prof. of Curriculum & EFL Instruction, Curriculum & Instruction Dep., Faculty of Education, October 6 University, Egypt
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
A Correlational Study of Happiness Based on the Hamburger Model and Resilience Skills during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Khachon Somwong, Anuyut Khamsiriwatchara and Pratchayapong Yasri
Bangkok Christian College, Thailand
Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary School, Thailand
Institute for Innovative Learning, Mahidol University, Thailand
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
An Application of Peer Review and Project-Based Learning with the Aim of Boost Students’ Employability
Cristian Martín, Antonio Muñoz, Alicia Tocino, Rafael Moreno-Sáez and Sergio Fortes
Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, Malaga, Spain
Algebra, Geometry and Topology Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Malaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, Málaga, Spain
Electronic Technology Department, University of Málaga, Spain
Communications Engineering Department, University of Málaga, Andalucía Tech, Spain
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Speaking Skills Development through Communicative Language Teaching Techniques
Juan Carlos Silva-Valencia, Wilma Villacís-Villacís and Cynthia Hidalgo-Camacho
Language Center /Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences / University of Cuenca, Ecuador
Proceedings of The 3rd International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]