Athens, Greece
ISBN : 978-609-485-245-9
Date: 3rd December 2021
Diamond Scientific Publishing
Category: Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
Spectacular Athens, Greece will be the host of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts – THE social sciences conference of the year.
With participants joining from all over the world, ICSHA 2021 is guaranteed to be a phenomenal learning experience for everyone involved – attendees and presenters alike. The program of ICSHA is designed by our scientific committee – leading academics from world-class institutions – and, as such, it will be packed full of highly relevant subjects within the field.
ICSHA is one of the most prestigious social sciences conferences of the year, both due to the publishing opportunities with indexed academic journals and the level of engagement during the three days of the event.
The Origin and Persistence of the Trickster Figure Evidenced by the Self-reflective Abilities of Early Humans
Nancy R. Bottoms
Professor Emerita, English and Art History, Gardner-Webb University, USA
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Petroleum Income and Nigerian Economy: Empirical Evidence
Olaleye Samuel Olasode
Department Of Economics, Faculty Of Social Sciences, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. Nigeria
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Increasing the Payment Rate of the Garbage Collection Fee in the Slovak Municipality through the Behavioral Experiment
Anetta Caplanova, Eva Sirakovova, Estera Szakadatova
PhD., Professor, Department of Economics, the University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemska Cesta 1, Bratislava, Slovakia
Assistant professor, Department of Economics, the University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemska Cesta 1, Bratislava, Slovakia
Doctoral candidate, Department of Finance, the University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemska Cesta 1, Bratislava, Slovakia
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Poland Emerging Telemedicine
Karolina Harasimowicz
Poland Emerging Telemedicine
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
The Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic upon the Relationship between University Professors and Students. Case Study: Romania
Staiculescu Camelia, Lacatus Maria Liana
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Sex Increases in Google Trends Reveals Change in Mating Preferences in Post-Quarantine Periods in Chile
María Teresa Barbato , Ana María Fernández , Carlota F. Galán, Walter Rudolph Gonzalez, Pablo Vidal Quezada
Centro de Investigación en Complejidad Social, Facultad del Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile, Chile. First autorship
Laboratorio de Evolución y Relaciones interpersonales, Escuela de psicología, Universidad de Santiago, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Senior autorship
Psychology Department, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Equal contribution
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Equal contribution
Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Equal contribution and last autorship
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
An Anthropological Look at the Debates on “Which Alevism”
Hülya Doğan Elibüyük
Universitè de Bretagne Occidentale/ Human Science and Literature Faculty
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Testing the Contradictive Effect of Nationalism on Mental Health from Country-Level Observations
Liu Yinghao, Liu Yingxu
Department of Behavioral Science, Division of Integrated Human Sciences, Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Department of Aging Research and Geriatric Medicine, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Religious Fundamentalism and the PROSECUW Project
Dr.Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Catia Cruz, Ioanara Silva, José Paulo Oliveira, and Dr.Eliza Patouris
Kentro Oikoumenikon Ierapostolikon kai Perivallontikon Meleton Mitropolos, Greece
Lusofona University, Portugal
Research and Education in Social Empowerment and Transformation, Cyprus
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Local Food Systems in the Rural Areas of Latvia
Assist. Prof. Dr. Dace Kaufmane , Assist. Prof. Dr. Liga Proskina , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liga Paula and Assoc.Prof. Dr. Kaspars Naglis-Liepa
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]
Towards More Sustainable Policy Measures Supporting Local Food Systems in Latvia Dr.oec. Liga Proskina,Lecturer, Lana Janmere and Dr.oec. Dace Kaufmane
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, 2021
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]