Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics

Berlin, Germany

ISBN: 978-609-485-101-8 pub

Date: 25th September 2020

Diamond Scientific Publishing

Category: Business, Management, and Economics

Join us on the 25th-27th of September 2020 in beautiful Berlin, Germany for the 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics. Who has been leading research into behavioral sciences in business management? What is the next big thing in marketing management and Economics? These and many more questions will be addressed by our expert panel of speakers and the international audience of academics, scholars, and researchers at BMECONF 2020.

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Environmental Degradation: A case study for Mauritius

Zeenat Didorally and Sheereen Fauzel
University of Mauritius
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Antecedents of Social Entrepreneurship: Evidences from India

Dr. Savitha Nair
Associate Professor, GRG School of Management Studies, India
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

The use of an abolished school building for a research facility in partnership between a municipality and university

Hiroki Ito
MPP student at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Why retrospectives are no standard in agile companies

Philipp Simanek
UCAM Ph.D. Candidate, UCAM Catholic University of Murcia / UCAM Doctoral school of business
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Early effects of the Covid-19 on the Agricultural field:  Evidence from two major commodities

Theodoros Daglis
National Technical University of Athens
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

New Industrial Fields, Innovativeness and Firms’ Competitive Advantage: The Birth of the Hungarian Blockchain Ecosystem

Viktoriia Semenova, Israa Qutishat, and Szabolcs S. Sebrek
Doctoral School of Business and Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
MBA Center, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Department of Business Studies and Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]

Effects of the Covid-19 on the Marine industry: Evidence from the ten major marine companies

Alexandros Pasiouras and Theodoros Daglis
National Technical University of Athens
Proceedings of ‏The 2nd International Conference on Applied Research in Business, Management and Economics, 2020
[Abstract] [Fulltext PDF]