Journal of Advanced Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture <p>Journal of Advanced Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture (JARCEA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Civil Engineering and Architecture. JARCEA is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journal (online) published Quarterly by Diamond Scientific Publication, Lithuania. Please see the journal’s Focus &amp; scopes for information about its aim and journal policies.</p> MOKSLINĖS LEIDYBOS DEIMANTAS (Diamond Scientific Publication) en-US Journal of Advanced Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture 2538-8061 Haptic Teaching-Learning Practices in Architecture Education In any teaching-learning setting, understanding the applicability of concepts becomes ambiguous if they are communicated only through verbal and visual methods. In this context, architecture, being the most powerful visible expression of human spirit, is no exception. Research by cognitive scientists places high emphasis on the fact that physical connection of students to their work results in improved teaching-learning processes to get them involved in the work and further prepares them well to make informed decisions while dealing with professional challenges. Hence, haptic (kinaesthetic sensitivity) way of teaching-learning practices is the most appropriate methodology as it combines verbal and visual matter to help in concretising concepts in real time. Against this backdrop, the paper discusses various significant haptic teaching-learning processes and techniques that can be developed to support student's ability to formulate better methodologies to propose pragmatic design solutions that respond positively to context, temporal and the ever-advancing construction technology. Further, this paper discusses the positive implications and integration of haptic practices in the curricula through a workshop cum competition held for the undergraduate students of architecture. Shilpa Madangopal Sindhu Jagannath Bhagyalaxmi Madapur Copyright (c) 0 2 1 1 16 10.33422/jarcea.v2i1.167 Engineering Statistics and Data Analysis in Construction Contract Bids The manuscript will introduce a new engineering statistical and data analysis which are used to evaluate successful construction contract bids. The methods used in the evaluation analysis includes coefficient of correlation (COC), hypothesis testing (Z-test for Estimated Cost, Z-test for % Mark-up and T-test). The evaluation was conducted on various construction company in accordance to sectors A to D. It has been concluded that the % mark-up percentage had a minor effect on the win or loss of the contract bid between different sectors. This research has found that (1) the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level the samples showed no significant proof to which of the sectors is more successful in winning bids than other, (2) the regression analysis indicated that as the estimated cost increases the % mark-up decrease for all sectors, (3) the t-test illustrated no significant difference existing between the mean estimated cost and mean % mark-up between contracts won and contracts lost for all sectors, since the value of t Stat was less than t-critical two tailed the null hypothesis cannot be rejected and (4) there is a stronger correlation existing for the successful bids than unsuccessful. Khalid Abdel Naser Abdel Rahim Copyright (c) 0 2 1 17 42 10.33422/jarcea.v2i1.168 Shurun-Urgun Highway Composite Steel Bridge Elastomeric Bearings Under Seismic Force This study examines the parameters of Elastomeric Bearing (EB) for affecting the seismic design and behavior for Shurun-Urgun Composite-Steel Bridge is located in Paktia province in eastern part of Afghanistan. Laminated elastomeric bearings used in addition to provide connection between bridge superstructure and substructure, reduce the response of bridge during an earthquake by increasing fundamental period of vibration of bridge, and might reduce the acceleration of superstructure and inertia force passed to the substructure. As an analysis has been done using computer models for two type of piers (tall & short) for similar bridge with or without elastomeric bearing pads and a manually calculation for this numerical investigation to determine the magnitude of forces, displacements and deformations. USGS seismic hazard maps for Afghanistan, and referred to AASHTO, FHWA, and Caltrans manuals where needed. Ahmad Zubair Rahimi Copyright (c) 0 2 1 43 53 10.33422/jarcea.v2i1.299